Home ownership promotion with funds from your occupational pension scheme Read when this is possible and how to do it.

The law makes home ownership promotion possible with your occupational pension assets. As an insured person, you can therefore use an amount from your pension fund to finance your own home. This includes:

  • the acquisition and construction of owner-occupied residential property in Switzerland and abroad (an apartment or a single-family house)
  • holdings in residential property (e.g. the acquisition of shares in housing cooperatives or similar participations if the co-financed property is used by the owner)
  • the repayment of mortgage loans
  • renovations

An early withdrawal or a pledge to finance residential property can be asserted up to the reference age. The right to repayment also exists until the reference age. An early withdrawal must amount to at least CHF 20,000 (exception: the purchase of share certificates in a housing cooperative or similar holdings) and can be made every five years. 

Calculate and apply for an early withdrawal

The early withdrawal leads to a reduction in retirement benefits, as the retirement assets are reduced. In the online portal ProfondConnect you can calculate the effect of an early withdrawal and apply for it directly. You can find the corresponding function under “Simulations with request”. If you do not yet have access to ProfondConnect, you can request your access code here.

Further information        

Do you have any further questions about an early withdrawal for home ownership or about the occupational pension in general? The Verein BVG Auskünfte, which Profond supports as a partner, will provide you with information free of charge. Further information can be found here (available in German and French only).